IFIP Networking May 2016

General policies for inclusion in the conference proceedings

Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and later made available in IEEE Xplore® Digital Library and IFIP Digital Library if and only if the following conditions are fulfilled.

Author registration

  • At least one author per accepted paper must register for the conference at the full registration rate (IEEE/IFIP member or non-member). This requirement applies even if the author is a student.
  • The registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the camera-ready version of the paper and are not refundable.
  • For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for one paper only.

Presentation of the paper at the conference

  • Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors unless a written permission for a substitute presenter has been granted by the TPC co-chairs. If permission for a substitute presenter has been granted, he/she must be qualified both to present and answer questions regarding the paper.
  • A paper that would not be presented or that would be presented by a substitute without prior written approval from the TPC co-chairs will be removed from the final conference proceedings and will not be made available in IEEE Xplore DL and the IFIP DL and no refund will be given for conference registration.

Paper format

  • Camera-ready version papers must be submitted in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
  • IEEE templates for conference proceedings (2 columns) must be used.
  • The maximum number of pages is nine (9). Font size should be no smaller than 10 points.
  • PDF files that are not IEEE Xplore®-compatible will not made be available in IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.


IFIP is the copyright holder.

  • For each accepted paper, a IFIP copyright transfer form must be filled in, signed and submitted.
  • The IFIP copyright notice must be included at the bottom of the first page of a paper.


The following steps must be completed before the date shown on the Important Dates page:

  1. Registering to the conference,
  2. filling out, signing and sending the IFIP copyright form and
  3. uploading the camera-ready version of the paper to EDAS Conference Management System.



ifip networking 2016 | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien