Call for PapersCLOSED
Networking 2010 is the 9th event of the series of International Conferences on Networking, sponsored by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems (TC6). The main objectives of Networking 2010 are to bring together members of the networking com-munity from both academia and industry, to discuss recent advances in the broad and fast-evolving field of telecommunications, and to highlight key issues, identify trends and develop visions. The technical sessions will be structured into three parallel tracks. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Applications and Services: Quality of Service, authentication and security, multimedia protocols, web architectures and protocols, network measurements and testbeds, service infrastructures and directories, network management systems, content distribution, peer to peer and overlay networks, pricing and billing.
Network Technologies: Ad hoc, wireless, and sensor networks, mesh networks, modeling and performance evaluation, broadband location services, cross-layer design, wireless protocols, multicast and any cast, energy and power management, self-organization, routing, scheduling, synchronization, fault tolerance and recovery.
Internet Design: All-IP networking, congestion control, evolution of IP architecture, multi-layer design and optimization, MPLS and GMPLS, RFID, multicasting, switching and routing, network modeling and simulation, real-time voice/video over IP networks, resource allocation, traffic engineering, scheduling and queue management, standardization and policies.
Springer LNCS
Computer Society of India
Important Dates
Abstract Submission
November 29, 2009 (CLOSED)
Full Paper Submission
December 6, 2009 (CLOSED)
Acceptance Notification
January 31, 2010
February 9, 2010 (CLOSED)
Camera Ready Due
February 28, 2010 (CLOSED)
May 10-14, 2010