- Active & programmable networks
- Broadband wireless access
- Caching & delivery of streaming media content
- Cellular networks (2G, 2.5G, 3G & beyond)
- Cryptography, security & privacy
- High performance grid networks
- Home networking
- Intelligence in networks
- Internet & web applications
- Internet pricing & economic models
- Internet protocols over high-speed networks
- Measurement studies of web architectures & protocols
- Mobile ad hoc networks
- Mobile agents
- Mobile networking & computing
- Mobile networks architectures & protocols
- Mobility models
- Multicasting
- Multimedia over packet-based networks
- Multiple access protocols
- Network design & capacity planning
- Network management systems
- Network measurements & testbeds
- Network modeling & simulation
- Networks of actuators
- Optical networks
- Peer-to-peer networks
- Pervasive computing
- Power management
- Quality of service
- Quantitative methods & tools
- Queuing network models of computer & communication networks
- Queuing theory
- Real-time voice/videotransport over IP networks
- Routing in ad hoc networks
- Satellite networks
- Scheduling & resource allocation
- Self-organizing network architectures & protocols
- Service overlay networks
- Switching & switch architectures
- Traffic engineering
- Traffic management & control
- Traffic modeling & characterization
- Web caching, pre-fetching & replication
- Web performance
- Wireless local & personal area networks
- Wireless multimedia systems
- Wireless protocols
- Wireless sensor networks
- Workload characterization & management