Mobile and Wireless Networks Security TPC
The 2nd International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Networks Security will be held on Friday, 15 May 2009. Please see the Call for Papers for further information.
Technical Programme Committee Co-Chairs
Carle, Georg, University of Tübingen, Germany
Technical Programme Committee Members
Alonistioti, Nancy, University of Pireus, Greece
Benslimane, Abderrahim, University of Avignon, France
Bader, Faouzi, CTTC, Spain
Badra, Mohamad, CRNS LIMOS Laboratory, France
Beylot, André-Luc, ENSEEIHT, France
Carle, Georg, University of Tübingen, Germany
Chaouchi, Hakima, Telecom SudParis, France
Cho, David, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Combes, Jean Michel, Orange Labs, France
Friderikos, Vasilis, King's College of London, United Kingdom
Ganchev, Ivan, University of Limerick, Ireland
Hecker, Arthur, ENST, France
Heen, Olivier, INRIA, France
Jose, Araujo, Alcatel Lucent, France
Maknavicius, Maryline, Telecom SudParis, France
Moustafa, Hasnaa, Orange Labs, France
Naït-Abdesselam, Farid, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France
Nogeira, Jose Marcos, UFMG, Brazil
O'Droma, Mairtin, University of Limerick, Ireland
Pujolle, Guy, University of Paris 6, France
Roux, Kobus, Meraka Institute, South Africa
Schoo, Peter, DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Germany
Veysset, Franck, Orange Labs, France