IFIP Networking May 2016

Author Kit for Camera Ready Paper Submission

Authors who have got their paper accepted for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the conference proceedings must follow the instructions below and complete all the steps by the date given on the Important Dates page.

1. Select "General Policies" from the menu to read the policies for inclusion in the conference proceedings

2. Prepare the final version of your paper

Revise your paper according to the reviewers' comments and carefully proofread your paper to ensure that no further revision will be required.

3. Fill in, sign and submit the IFIP copyright transfer form

Fill in and sign a IFIP copyright transfer form. Send a scanned version to networking2016@lists.univie.ac.at. Additionally, post the original copy to:

IFIP Networking 2016
COSY Research Group
University of Vienna
Waehringer Str. 29
1090 Vienna

4. Add IFIP copyright notice at the bottom of the first page of your paper

LaTeX users can add following lines just before \begin{document} for the copyright notice to show up:

   \makebox[\columnwidth]{ISBN 978-3-901882-83-8~\copyright~2016 IFIP \hfill}%
   \makebox[\columnwidth]{ }%

MS Word users can use: ‘Insert’ → ‘Text box’, insert 'ISBN 978-3-901882-83-8 © 2016 IFIP' in the texbox, and place the box (without border) at the bottom left on the first page.

5. Ensure that your paper is IEEE Xplore®-compatible

Use IEEE PDF eXpress to check that your paper is IEEE Xplore®-compatible (Conference ID: 37820X). If you have any question, visit the PDF eXpress knowledge base website. If you do not find the answer to your question, go the "Ask a Question" tab and submit your question there.

6. Register for the conference

Register at least one of the authors for the conference at the full registration rate (IEEE/IFIP member or non-member) and pay the registration fees.

7. Upload the camera-ready version of your paper

The camera-ready version of your paper must be uploaded to EDAS Conference Management System. In EDAS, click on the "My Papers" button, and then upload your paper using the link provided. If you experience any problems during the upload process of your paper on EDAS, please contact help@edas-help.com.

8. Need a visa?

If you are an IFIP NETWORKING 2016 author and need an Invitation Letter, please register first and then send a corresponding request including your EDAS submission number to networking2016@lists.univie.ac.at.


In case of any questions relating to registration, payment, visa and other organisation support feel free to contact us at networking2016@lists.univie.ac.at. Include your name, affiliation, mailing address and the title and ID of your paper, and make sure that you have paid your registration fee before making the request.



ifip networking 2016 | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien