IFIP Networking 2018 Registration Information
For any registrations, please go to https://edas.info/, login with your personal profile, and after the login you select the "Register" Tab at the top, navigate to the "IFIP Networking 2018" entry (via the search field that's easily done), and you should be able to register directly for the event by clicking on the icon labeled as "Register self".
Early registration until and by April 8, 2018 |
Late registration from April 9 - May 10, 2018 |
Authors | 650 USD | N/A |
Full registrations: IFIP Members Non-members |
650 USD 650 USD |
750 USD 870 USD |
Student registrations: IFIP Members Non-members |
365 USD 450 USD |
365 USD 450 USD |
Extra ticket social event | 110 USD | 110 USD |
Any registration after May 10, 2018 will have to be done in CASH only at the registration desk in Zurich by applying the "late" rates.
Registration for Authors
1. The registration for authors has to be completed by April 8, 2018 with a full payment at https://edas.info/. To ensure that will view the correct membership options for the registration, set your society memberships in your EDAS profile correctly (*). All available registration options for IFIP Networking 2018 are listed at the end of this page
All author and full registrations include coffee breaks twice a day, lunches an all three days, and the social event.
All student registrations cover daily coffee breaks and lunches on all days, but they do neither include the social event nor a full paper registration.
Any registration on or after May 10, 2018 will have to be performed in CASH ONLY, using CHF, USD, or EUR, at the IFIP Networking 2018 registration desk in Zurich, Switzerland.
2. One author per paper needs to be fully registered by April 8, 2018 to ensure that the paper will become part of the program.
3. One author needs to be present at the conference and present the paper at the dedicated time slot to ensure that the paper will be submitted for inclusion into the IFIP Digital Library and IEEE Xplore.
4. Per single author registration one full paper and one poster paper is permitted to be presented once correctly registered (see 1. above).
5. A social event ticket can be purchased separately in any reasonable number, which enables students registered as those cheaper rates to participate and network between attendees or spouses to enjoy an excellent first class dinner in one of the old guilde houses of the city of Zurich - including a reception, a Swiss Apero! Note that the price is covering costs for the IFIP Networking 2018 event. We do not make money on that!
6. Visa invitation letters are issued on request for already registered authors, details are found at https://networking.ifip.org/2018/index.php/paper-submissions.
(*) To update your EDAS profile with the correct society membership details, do select "My ... profiles" from the top menu. Move down to the PERSON menu and especially the "Edit" drop down and open the "Add society membership". Include from the selection list "IFIP", if you are a member of a TC6 Working Group or of another IFIP Technical Committee.