Networking 2007

May 14-18, 2007

Georgia Tech

Atlanta, Georgia, USA



About IFIP Networking

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Keynote Speeches

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Keynote Speech

Keynote Speakers

Tuesday Morning Keynote Speech
(May 15, 2007, 9:30am)

Looking into the Future: Grand Challenges for Wireless Networks

Ness B. Shroff, Professor
Purdue University

Ness B. Shroff is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue and director of the Center for Wireless Systems and Applications (CWSA), a university-wide center on wireless systems and applications. He will be joining the Ohio State University as the Ohio Eminent Scholar in Networking and Communications and Professor of ECE and CSE. His research interests span the areas of wireless and wireline communication networks, where he investigates fundamental problems in the design, control, performance, pricing, and security of these networks.

Dr. Shroff is an active member in the networking research community and has been involved in the leadership of various conferences and journals. He currently serves on the editorial boards of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and the Computer Networks Journal. He was the technical program co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM'03, the premier conference in communication networking. He was also the conference chair of the 14th Annual IEEE Computer Communications Workshop (CCW'99), the program co-chair for the symposium on high-speed networks, IEEE Globecom 2001, and the panel co-chair for ACM Mobicom'02. Dr. Shroff was also a co-organizer of the NSF workshop on Fundamental Research in Networking, held in Arlie House Virginia, in 2003.

Dr. Shroff is a Fellow of the IEEE and has received numerous awards for his research, including the IEEE INFOCOM'06 best paper award, the IEEE IWQoS'06 best student paper award, the best paper of the year award for KICS/IEEE journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), and the best paper of the year award for the Computer Networks journal, and the NSF CAREER award (his IEEE INFOCOM 2005 paper was also selected as one of two runner-up papers for the best paper award).


Wednesday Morning Keynote Speech
(May 16, 2007, 9:30am)

Key Technologies and Architectures for Next Generation Network

Krishan Sabnani, Senior Vice President
Networking Research Lab, Bell Labs

Krishan Sabnani is Senior Vice President of the Networking Research Laboratory at Bell Labs in New Jersey. For the past 23 years, Dr. Sabnani has been a member of Bell Labs Research. Dr. Sabnani has conceived and launched several systems projects in the areas of Internetworking and wireless networking, led successful transfers of research ideas to products in Lucent and AT&T business units and conducted extensive personal research in data and wireless networking. He has built organizations known for technical excellence by recruiting and coaching the best people in the industry.

Dr. Sabnani has received the 2005 IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award and the 2005 IEEE W. Wallace McDowell Award - the only person ever to receive both awards. Dr. Sabnani is a Bell Labs Fellow. He is also a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). He received the Leonard G. Abraham Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Communications Society in 1991. Dr. Sabnani received the 2005 Distinguished Alumni Award from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, India. He has also won the 2005 Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award from the R&D Council of New Jersey. He holds 37 patents and has published more than 70 papers.

In his personal research, Dr. Sabnani has made major contributions to the communications protocols area. He has designed several protocols such as SNR, RMTP, and Airmail. He has also made significant contributions to conformance test generation, protocol validation, automated converter generation, and reverse engineering.

Dr. Sabnani received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Columbia University, New York, in 1981. He joined Bell Labs in 1981.


Thursday Morning Keynote Speech
(May 17, 2007, 9:30am)

Urban Mesh Networks: Coming Soon to a City Near You

Edward Knightly, Professor
Rice University

Edward Knightly is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University. He joined Rice in 1996 and was a visiting professor at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2003. He received the B.S. degree from Auburn University in 1991 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California at Berkeley in 1992 and 1996 respectively. Dr. Knightly received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 1997 and has been a Sloan Fellow since 2001.

Dr. Knightly is an associate editor for multiple journals including IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and the Computer Networks Journal, and served as guest editor for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications Special Issue on Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks. He is serving as general chair of ACM MobiSys 2007, and served as technical co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2005, the 2005 ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Experimental Approaches to Wireless Network Design and Analysis (E-WIND), and IEEE/IFIP IWQoS 1998. He regularly serves on the program committee for numerous networking conferences including IEEE ICNP, IEEE INFOCOM, ACM MobiCom, and ACM SIGMETRICS.

Dr. Knightly's research interests are in the areas of mobile and wireless networks and high-performance and denial-of-service resilient protocol design. His experimental research includes deployment and operation of a programmable 2,000 user urban mesh network in Houston, TX, and design of a high-performance FPGA platform for clean-slate wireless protocol design. His protocol designs include fairness mechanisms that are now part of the IEEE 802.11s mesh and IEEE 802.17 packet ring standards.



Presentation Instructions Posted

Author Registration

March 6, 2007

Early Registration

March 28, 2007

Regular Registration

April 30, 2007

Conference Date:

Technical Sessions

May 15 (Tue.), 2007

May 16 (Wed.), 2007

May 17 (Thu.), 2007


May 14 (Mon.), 2007


May 18 (Fri.), 2007