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Networking 2015

20 – 22 May 2015

Toulouse, France

Important Dates

Abstract Registration: Nov 17, 2014

Nov 28, 2014 (extended deadline)

Full Paper Submission: Nov 28, 2014

Dec 8, 2014 (firm deadline)

Acceptance Notification:
Mar 7, 2015

Camera Ready and Early Registration:
Mar 18, 2015 Mar 25, 2015

Networking Conference:
May 20-22, 2015

Toulouse Pictures

Logo UT3 in Toulouse

How to get to Toulouse?

By Plane

Once you have landed at Toulouse airport you can pick up the airport shuttle till the first stop "Compans Cafarelli" or the second one "Jean Jaures" (town center).

By Train

Toulouse train station (Toulouse Matabiau) is located at 10-15 minutes walk from the conference localization, ENSEEIHT (see the path here).
You can find here a link to the national railroad compagny (SNCF).

By Car

To go to ENSEEIHT, we highly recommend to leave the car outside the city at a subway station and to take the metro to station Jean-Jaures (metro A) or Francois-Verdier (metro B).

Conference Site

NETWORKING'2015 conference will take place at ENSEEIHT at the following address:

2 rue Charles Camichel

The Map

View Larger Map

Student Travel Grants

Under this programme, only students from an IFIP member country may apply for travel grants. Preference will be given to those who would otherwise not have the resources to attend the conference.

Grants will cover travel and lodging expenses, up to a maximum of 750 € per grant: costs in excess of the grant will not be reimbursed. Please note that the conference registration fee will not be covered by the grant.

Applications for grants will be evaluated by a committee consisting of the TC6 chair and the chairs of the TC6 working groups 6.2, 6.3 and 6.8. Grants will be awarded based on the evaluating committee’s assessment of the applicants’ genuine financial needs, the potential benefit to his/her education, research, and career, and the potential benefit to the conference. The committee may favour those who are (co-)authors of accepted papers to avoid “no shows,” and may decide to make only one award per university.

To apply for a grant, please send the STG Request form jointly a letter to the conference General chair. The student's letter should indicate:

  1. The academic status of the student
  2. Whether the applicant is an author of a paper, and whether the paper is accepted or was submitted to the conference
  3. How s/he would benefit from attending Networking 2015, including which areas in the conference program would impact the student's research
  4. A brief summary of research interests and accomplishments
  5. The applied amount

The supervisor's letter should describe:

  1. The applicant's academic standing in the institution
  2. Discuss why and how the applicant would benefit from attending Networking 2015
  3. Explain why the applicant is in need of the travel grant

The application should be sent to . Applications are due April 15, 2015.

Send a visa letter request to .