2: Tue, 6 May 2008
10:30-12:10 |
Wireless Networks: MAC performance
Chair: J. Morris Chang |
Analysis of 802.11e Star Topology Scenarios in the Presence
of Hidden Nodes -Katarzyna Kosek(Poland), Marek Natkaniec(Poland),
Luca Vollero(Italy)
Turning hidden nodes into helper nodes in IEEE 802.11
wireless LAN networks - Haithem Al-Mefleh(USA), Morris
Performance Evaluation Of 802.11 Broadcasts For A Single
Cell Network With Unsaturated Nodes - Ashwin Rao(India),
Arzad Kherani(India), Anirban Mahanti(India)
10:30-12:10 |
Next Generation Internet: optical networks
Chair: Wojciech Molisz |
Logical Topology in WDM Ring Networks with Limited ADMs
- Tomoya Kitani(Japan), Nobuo Funabiki(Japan), Hirozumi
Yamaguchi(Japan), Teruo Higashino(Japan)
A Novel Class-based Protection Algorithm Providing Fast
Service Recovery in IP/WDM Networks - Wojciech Molisz(Poland),
Jacek Rak(Poland)
Proportional Loss Differentiation in OBS Networks - Miguel
Ángel González Ortega(Spain), José
Carlos López Ardao(Spain), Pablo Jesus
Argibay Losada(Spain), Andrés Suárez
González(Spain), Cándido López
García(Spain), Manuel Fernández
Veiga(Spain), Raúl Fernando Rodríguez
10:30-12:10 |
Next Generation Internet: Miscellaneous Services
Chair: Pung Hung Keng |
Mobile Middleware for SIP on Ubiquitous Multimedia Systems
- Felipe Garcia-Sanchez(Spain), Antonio-Javier Garcia-Sanchez(Spain),
Joan Garcia-Haro(Spain)
A Secure Mechanism for Address Block Allocation and Distribution
- Damien Leroy(Belgium), Olivier Bonaventure(Belgium)
Asset Localization in Data Center using WUSB Radios -
Neha Udar(USA), Krishna Kant(USA), Ramanarayanan Viswanathan(USA)
E2E blocking probability of IPTV and P2PTV - Yue Lu(The
Netherlands), Fernando Kuipers(The Netherlands), Milena
Janic(The Netherlands), Piet Van Mieghem(The Netherlands)
13:35-15:10 |
Ad-hoc and sensor networks: routing
Chair: Krishna Kant |
Depth-Based Routing for Underwater Sensor Networks - Hai
Yan(USA), Zhijie Jerry Shi(USA), Jun-Hong Cui(USA)
Channel Allocation for Multiple Channels Multiple Interfaces
Communication in Wireless Ad hoc Networks - Trung-Tuan
Luong(Singapore), Bu-Sung Lee(Singapore), Chai-Kiat Yeo(Singapore)
Resilience to Dropping Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
with Link-State Routing - Ignacy Gawedzki(France),
Khaldoun Al Agha(France)
On the Probability of Finding Non-Interfering Paths in
Wireless Multihop Networks - Sonia Waharte(Canada),
Raouf Boutaba(Canada)
13:35-15:10 |
Next Generation Internet: transport protocols
Chair: Vassilis Tsaoussidis |
TCP in Small-Buffer Networks - Mark Shifrin(Israel),
Isaac Keslassy(Israel)
Active Window Management: Performance Assessment through
an Extensive Comparison with XCP - Mario Barbera(Italy),
Mario Gerla(USA), Alfio Lombardo(Italy), Carla Panarello(Italy),
M. Yahya Sanadidi(USA), Giovanni Schembra(Italy)
AIRA: Additive Increase Rate Accelerator - Ioannis
Psaras(Greece), Vassilis Tsaoussidis(Greece)
13:35-15:10 |
Next Generation Internet: Authentication
Chair: Stephan Eidenbenz |
Performance Analysis of Authentication Using Covert Timing
Channels - Reed Newman(USA), Raheem Beyah(USA)
PassPattern System (PPS): A Pattern Based User Authentication
Scheme - Rakesh Kumar Thatha(India),
S. V. Raghavan(India)
A Secure and Efficient Three-Pass Authenticated Key Agreement
Protocol Based on Elliptic Curves - Meng-Hui Lim(Korea),
Chee-Min Yeoh(Korea), Sang Gon Lee(Korea), Hyo Taek Lim(Korea),
Hoon Jae Lee(Korea)
15:45-17:25 |
Ad-hoc and sensor networks: design and optimization
Chair: Muhammad Jaseemuddin
Automated Management and Nano-Protocol to Design
Cross-Layer Metrics for Ad hoc Networking - Hervé
Aiache(France), Vania Conan(France), Jérémie
Leguay(France), Stéphane Rousseau(France), Damien
Cross-layer Optimized Congestion, Contention and Power
Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks - Eren Gurses(Canada)
Multi-Commodity Flow Problem for Multi-hop Wireless Networks
with Realistic Smart Antenna Model - Osama Bazan(Canada),
Muhammad Jaseemuddin(Canada)
15:45-17:25 |
Next Generation Internet: QoS
Chair: Ngoh Lek Heng |
avoiding mechanism based on inter-domain hierarchy - Weisser
Marc-Antoine (France), Tomasik Joanna(France), Barth Dominique(France)
A Novel Bandwidth Broker Architecture Based on Topology
Aggregation in Delay-Bandwidth Sensitive Networks - Walid
Htira(France), Olivier Dugeon(France), Michel Diaz(France)
Client-side Adaptive Search Optimisation for Online Game
Server Discovery - Grenville Armitage(Australia)
A model for Endpoint Admission Control Based on Packet
Loss - Ignacio Más(Sweden), Gunnar Karlsson(Sweden)
15:45-17:25 |
Next Generation Internet: Peer-to peer services
Chair: Yang Guo |
- Efficient
Multi-source Data Dissemination in Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Zhenyu Li(P.R. China), Zengyang Zhu(P.R. China), Gaogang
Xie(P.R. China), Zhongcheng Li(P.R. China)
- Modeling
Priority-based Incentive Policies for Peer-assisted Content
Delivery Systems - Niklas Carlsson(Canada), Derek Eager(Canada)
- AQCS: Adaptive
Queue-based Chunk Scheduling for P2P Live
Streaming - Yang Guo(USA), Chao Liang(USA), Yong Liu(USA)
- Cooperative
Replication in Content Networks with Nodes Under Churn -
Eva Jaho(Greece), Ioannis Koukoutsidis(Greece), Ioannis
Stavrakakis(Greece), Ina Jaho(Greece)
| |