Call for Posters and Demos (pdf)


Submission deadline (extended abstracts): March 22nd, 2016


The IFIP Networking 2017 Conference and Workshops (NETWORKING 2017), to be held at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden, is the 16th event of the series, sponsored by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems (TC6) and technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. Accepted posters and demos will be included in the IFIP Networking 2017 Conference proceedings, published in the IFIP Digital Library as open access and submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.


About the Poster and Demo Session

IFIP Networking 2017 will host an interactive poster and demo session on novel approaches and results in computer and communication networks. The session is intended for work in progress, early results, and/or application of results to real testbeds and prototypes, from academia and industry. In particular, we encourage Ph.D. students to submit their work as a poster or demo. 


Topic areas of interest include (but are not limited to):


Network Architectures, Applications and Services

Software-defined networks (SDN), data center, information/content-centric networking, content distribution, peer-to-peer networks (P2P), network virtualization, web architectures and protocols, overlay networks, in-cloud networking, evolution of Internet Protocol (IP) network architectures and protocols, green networking, resilient networks, network management, traffic engineering, network neutrality, network-on-chip, cyber-physical systems, emerging value-added services and applications.


Network Modeling and Analysis

Topology characterization, performance measurements, description of testbeds, traffic monitoring and analysis, user behavior modeling, quality of service, quality of experience, resource management and scheduling, data-driven design, user profiling and tracking, dependability and resilience, complex and dynamic networks, analysis of participatory networks, socio-economic aspects of networked ecosystems, pricing and billing, incentives.


Network Security and Privacy 

Network security protocols, trust and privacy, anomaly and malware detection, denial-of-service (DoS) detection and mitigation, network forensics, authentication, applications of privacy-preserving computation in networks, anonymization.


Wireless Networking

Ad-hoc and mesh networks, mobile networks, self-organizing networks, sensor networks, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things (IoT), delay/disruption tolerant networks, vehicular networks, opportunistic networks, disaster-recovery networks, device-to-device communication.


Posters and demos must be presented live at the workshop venue and authors are expected to discuss and interact with other participants. Both posters and demos require the submission of an extended abstract, which will be reviewed by the Posters and Demos Committee and judged based on their technical merit and relevance in the field of networking. Accepted submissions will be published in the IFIP Networking Conference proceedings, published in the IFIP Digital Library as open access in the form of extended abstracts and submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.


Important Dates

- Poster/Demo submission: March 8th, 2017, 23:59 AoE March 22nd, 2017, 23:59 AoE (Extended deadline)

- Acceptance notification: April 18th, 2017

- Camera Ready: April 27th, 2017


Posters and Demos Submission Instructions

Poster Drafts: the extended abstract of a poster should not be longer than two pages (including figures, tables, and references), using IEEE two-column format, 10-point size and in PDF format. Please indicate "Poster" in the title of the draft submission ("Poster: <Your title>").

Demo Drafts: the extended abstract of a demo should not be longer than two pages (including figures, tables, and references), using two-column format, 10-point size or greater and in PDF format. A third page should be included listing the demo requirements at the conference venue. Please indicate "Demo" in the title of the draft submission ("Demo: <Your title>").

Despite this particular formatting information, the submission guidelines of the full paper track should be followed. 

Camera ready submission (posters and demos): the extended abstracts should not exceed 2 pages (third page of demo requirements should be omitted in the camera ready version). Note, that the title should also not mention the type (demo/poster) in the camera ready version.

EDAS submission is open and can be accessed here.


Posters and Demos Chairs

Karin Anna Hummel (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)

Vincenzo Mancuso (IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain)


Demo/Poster Committee

  • Chiara Boldrini (IIT-CNR, Italy)
  • Sofie Pollin (KU Leuven, Belgium)
  • Burkhardt Stiller (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Enrico Natalizio (University of Compiegne, France)
  • Lars Wolf (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)
  • David Gugelmann (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Tanja Zseby (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
  • Vincenzo Sciancalepore (NEC, Germany)
  • Pablo Serrano (UC3M, Spain)