------------------------------------------- Call for Papers --------------------------------------
The 4th International Workshop on Network Intelligence
Network Intelligence 2022 (NI 2022)
AI towards the Internet of Intelligent Things
in conjunction with IFIP Networking 2022 (https://networking.ifip.org/2022/index.php)
13-16 June, 2022 - Catania, Italy
Network Intelligence considers the embedding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in future networks to fasten service delivery
and operations, leverage Quality of Experience (QoE) and guarantee service availability, also allowing better agility,
resiliency, faster customization and security. This concept inherits the solid background of autonomic networking,
cognitive management, and artificial intelligence. It is envisioned as mandatory to manage, pilot and operate the
forthcoming network built upon SDN, NFV and cloud.
The main goal of the Network Intelligence Workshop is to present state-of-the-art research results and experience
reports in the area of network intelligence, addressing topics such as artificial intelligence techniques and models for
the network and service management; smart device orchestration and delivery, dynamic Service Function Chaining,
Intent and policy based management, centralized vs distributed control of SDN/NFV based networks, analytics and
big data approaches, knowledge creation and decision making. This workshop offers a timely venue for researchers
and industry partners to present and discuss their latest results in Network Intelligence.
The main topic of this NI 2022 edition is "AI towards the Internet of Intelligent Things" which puts the attention
on the particular application of network intelligence and machine learning to optimization in future network scenarios
in the framework of an Internet of Intelligent Things.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Deep and Reinforcement learning for networking and communications in 5G networks
- Data mining and big data analytics in 5G networking
- Protocol design and optimization using AI/ML in 5G
- Self-learning and adaptive networking protocols and algorithms for 5G
- Intent & Policy-based management for intelligent networks
- Innovative architectures and infrastructures for intelligent networks
- AI/ML for network management and orchestration in 5G systems
- AI/ML for network slicing optimization in 5G systems
- AI/ML for service placement and dynamic Service Function Chaining in 5G systems
- AI/ML for C-RAN resource management and medium access control
- Decision making mechanisms
- Routing optimization based on flow prediction in 5G systems
- Data-driven management of software defined networks for 5G networks
- Methodologies for network problem diagnosis, anomaly detection and prediction
- Reliability, robustness and safety based on AI/ML techniques
- Network Security based on AI/ML techniques in 5G
- AI/ML for multimedia networking in 5G systems
- AI/ML support for ultra-low latency applications in 5G scenarios
- AI/ML for IoT
- Open-source networking optimization tools for AI/ML applications
- Experiences and best-practices using machine learning in operational networks
- Novel context-aware, emotion-aware networking services
- Machine learning for user behavior prediction
- Modeling and performance evaluation for Intelligent Network
- Intelligent energy-aware/green communications
This workshop is supported by the IEEE ComSoc Emerging Technical Initiative on Network Intelligence. Join us at
the ETI NI as a member for cross-fertilization on Network Intelligence research activities. All information is available
at http://ni.committees.comsoc.org/ .
Important dates
Paper submission deadline: 21 March 2022 10 April 2022 (Extended)
Acceptance notification: 25 April 2022
Camera ready due: 2 May 2022
Workshop date: 13 June 2022
Paper Submission Information
Submitted papers should be written in English by following the IEEE conference format, with a maximum length limit of 6 (six) printed pages, including all figures, references, and appendices. All papers must be submitted in the Portable Document Format (PDF) electronically using EDAS: https://edas.info/N29557.
Organising Committee
- Laura Galluccio, University of Catania
- Giovanni Schembra, University of Catania
Technical Program Committee (TPC)
- Laura Galluccio, University of Catania, Co-Chair, Italy
- Giovanni Schembra, University of Catania, Co-Chair, Italy
- Ramon Aparicio-Pardo, Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, I3S, France
- Dario Bega, Nokia Bell Labs, Germany
- Redha Abderrahmane Alliche, Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, I3S, France
- Makram Bouzid, NOKIA Bell Labs & Bell Labs, France
- Flavio Esposito, Saint Louis University, USA
- Panagiotis Demestichas, University of Piraeus, Greece
- Vincenzo Eramo, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
- Jérôme François, INRIA Nancy Grand Est, France
- Guillaume Fraysse, Orange, France
- Krzysztof Grochla, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of PAS, Poland
- Roberto Riggio, Università Politecnica Delle Marche
- Marco Polverini, University "La Sapienza" Roma, Italy
- Marco Gramaglia, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Dimitri Papadimitriou, University of Antwerp - imec
- Francesco Musumeci, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Shwetha Vittal, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
- Iordanis Koutsopoulos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
- Anubhab Banerjee, Nokia Bell Labs & Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Antonio Pescapé, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy
- Takaya Miyazawa, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan
- Alessio Sacco, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Michael Seufert, University of Würzburg, Germany
- Salvatore D'Oro, Northeastern University, USA
- Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Marco Savi, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
- Joanna Moulierac, University Côte d'Azur, France
- Emmanuel Lochin, ENAC & Université de Toulouse, France
- Christian Grasso, University of Catania, Italy
- Alfio Lombardo, University of Catania, Italy
- Joannes Sam Mertens Joseph Thatheyus, CNIT-National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications, Italy