Call for Papers

    The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking 2025 Conference (IFIP NETWORKING 2025) will be held in Limassol, Cyprus, between 26-29 May 2025.

    This is the 24th event of the series, sponsored by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems (TC6). High quality papers will be recommended for fast-track publications in selected journals.

    The main objective of IFIP NETWORKING 2025 is to bring together members of the networking community, from both academia and industry, to discuss recent advances in the broad and quickly-evolving fields of computer and communication networks, to highlight key issues, identify trends, and develop a vision for future Internet technology, operation, and use.

    The technical sessions will be structured around, but are not limited to, the following areas (in alphabetical order):

    • 5G/6G networks and beyond
    • Anomaly and malware detection
    • Applications of privacy-preserving computation in networks
    • Blockchain, ledger technologies, and their network-related applications
    • Cooperative perception networking
    • Data center networking
    • Data-driven network design
    • Delay/disruption tolerant networks and opportunistic networking
    • Device-to-device / machine-to-machine communications
    • Deterministic Networks
    • Digital Continuum
    • Drone networking and unmanned technology-based services and applications
    • Emerging value-added services and applications
    • Evolution of IP network architectures and protocols
    • Fog and edge computing
    • Green networking
    • Heterogeneous and integrated networks
    • In-network computing
    • Information Centric Networking / Named-data networking
    • Internet of Things (IoT), and crowdsensing/crowdsourcing
    • Localization in indoor environments
    • Long-range communications
    • Machine learning (ML) and networking, artificial intelligence (AI)
    • (Multi-tenant) network slicing
    • mmWave, and THz communications
    • Network architectures, applications,and services
    • Network attack/intrusion detection and mitigation
    • Network automation and management
    • Network economics and Game Theory
    • Network forensics
    • Network function virtualization (NFV)
    • Network modelling, analysis, and measurement
    • Network performance and optimization
    • Network security, authentication, measurement, trust and privacy
    • Network testbeds
    • Network traffic analysis
    • Non-terrestrial networks
    • Optical networking
    • Overlay and P2P networks
    • Participatory networks
    • Performance measurements
    • Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
    • Protective and collaborative
    • networking
    • Public Safety Networks
    • Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
    • Resilient networks
    • Quality of service (QoS), quality of experience (QoE)
    • Quantum networking, quantum communications
    • Resource management
    • Self-organizing networks
    • Social networking
    • Socio-economic aspects of networks, pricing, and billing
    • Software-defined networking (SDN)
    • Time Sensitive Networks
    • Traffic engineering
    • Topology characterization
    • Traffic monitoring and analysis
    • Trustworthy and multi-metric routing
    • User behavior modelling, user profiling and tracking
    • UAV networks and extended connectivity
    • Vehicular networks and communications
    • Web technologies
    • Wireless and mobile networks
    • Wireless power transfer networks
    • Wireless sensor networks

    Submission Guidelines

    All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and relevance through double-blind peer review, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers and the identities of reviewers are withheld from the authors. As an author, you are required to preserve the anonymity of your submission, while at the same time allowing reviewers to fully grasp the context of related past work, including your own. Papers that do not conform to our double-blind submission policies will be rejected without review.

    Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for review elsewhere will be considered. Submitted papers should be written in English by following the IEEE conference format, with a maximum length limit of 9 printed pages, including all the figures, references, and appendices. Papers longer than 9 pages will not be reviewed. Each paper can be accompanied by an appendix of at most 2 pages. However, the reviewers are not obliged to read the appendix. The appendix is included in the 9 page limit.

    All papers must be submitted in the Portable Document Format (PDF) electronically using EDAS:

    When submitting a paper, its title, all co-authors, and a concise abstract of up to 200 words should be provided to EDAS as the metadata of the paper. The program committee may ask some authors to shorten their paper to a short paper of 3 pages to be presented in a poster session, instead of a plenary session.

    At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC co-chairs grant permission for a substitute presenter before the conference. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final correctly formatted, publication-ready version of the paper.

    To ensure appropriate consideration of conflicts of interest during the review process, changes to the list of authors are prohibited once a paper has been submitted for review. Should a paper be accepted, the complete list of authors, including the order of authors, must remain identical as the EDAS metadata in the final camera-ready manuscript.

    Instruction on preparing a paper for double-blind review

    • Remove the names and affiliations of authors from the title page.
    • Remove acknowledgments.
    • Remove project titles or names that could be used to trace back to the authors via web search.
    • Carefully name your files to anonymize author information.
    • Carefully refer to related work, particularly your own. Do not omit references to provide anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer incapable of grasping the context. Instead, reference your past work in the third person, just as you would any other piece of related work by another author. For example, instead of "In prior work [1], we presented a scheme that...," sentences in the spirit of "In prior work, Clark et al. [1] presented a scheme that..." should be used. With this method, the full citation of the referred paper can still be given, such as "[1] A. Clark ...., "Analysis of...", and it is not acceptable to say "[1] Reference deleted for double-blind review."
    • The submitted manuscript (PDF file) should be text-searchable. Any submission that does not meet this requirement may be returned without review.
    • Many of the editing tools automatically add metadata to the generated PDF file containing information that may violate the double-blind policy. Please remove any possible metadata that can link your manuscript to you. This includes removing names, affiliation, license numbers etc. from the metadata as well as from the paper. Failing to meet this requirement may also lead to a rejection without review.