1115-1245: Hands On Session
Manual for the session
1245-1300: Break
1300-1310: Welcome and Logistics
1310-1400: Keynote
Building CDN-scale Decentralised Technology at Cloudflare, Thibault Meunier, Cloudflare
1400-1520: Session 1: Protocol and Architecture Extensions
Session Chair:
Christian Tschudin (University of Basel, Switzerland)
1400-1420: VPN-Zero: A Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Virtual Private Network
Matteo Varvello (Nokia Bell Labs, USA), Iñigo Querejeta (UC3M, Spain), Antonio Nappa (UC Berkeley, USA & UC3M, Spain), Panagiotis Papadopoulos (Telefonica Research, Spain), Gonçalo Pestana (Brave Software, UK), Benjamin Livshits (Brave Software, UK)
1420-1440: KadRTT: Routing with Network Proximity and Uniform ID Arrangement in Kademlia
Hidehiro Kanemitsu (University of Tokyo, Japan), Hidenori Nakazato (Waseda University, Japan)
1440-1500: Pulsarcast: Scalable, Reliable Pub-Sub over P2P Nets
João Antunes (U. Lisboa, Portugal), David Dias (Protocol Labs), Luís Veiga (U. Lisboa, Portugal)
1500-1520: IPFS-FAN: A Function-Addressable Computation Network
Alfonso de la Rocha (Protocol Labs), Yiannis Psaras (Protocol Labs), David Dias (Protocol Labs)
1520-1530: Break
1530-1615: Session 2: Demos and Abstracts
Session Chair:
Martin Florian (Humbolt University, Germany)
1530-1545: (Abstract) Fully Decentralized Trading Games with Evolvable Characters Using NFTs and IPFS
Christos Karapapas (AUEB, Greece), Iakovos Pittaras (AUEB, Greece), George C. Polyzos (AUEB, Greece)
1545-1600: (Abstract) The Case for AI Based Web3 Reputation Systems
Navin V Keizer (UCL, UK), Fan Yang (UCL, UK), Yiannis Psaras (Protocol Labs), George Pavlou (UCL, UK)
1600-1615: (Demo) Introducing Peer Copy - A Fully Decentralized Peer-To-Peer File Transfer Tool
Dennis Trautwein (U. Wuppertal, Germany), Moritz Schubotz (FIZ- Karlsruhe, Germany), Bela Gipp (U. Wuppertal, Germany)
1615-1630: Break
1630-1700: Invited Talk, Introducing the Filecoin Storage Economy, Zixuan Zhang (Protocol Labs)
1700-1820: Session 3: Decentralised Identity and Web3.0 Services
Session Chair:
Joao Leitao (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
1700-1720: Enabling Self-Verifiable Mutable Content Items in IPFS Using Decentralized Identifiers
Nikos Fotiou (AUEB, Greece), Vasilios A. Siris (AUEB, Greece), George C. Polyzos (AUEB, Greece)
1720-1740: Decentralized Identifiers for Peer-To-Peer Service Discovery
Carson Farmer (Textile, US), Sander Pick (Textile, US), Andrew Hill (Textile, US)
1740-1800: Solid over the Interplanetary File System
Fabrizio Parrillo (U. Basel, Switzerland), Christian F Tschudin (U. Basel, Switzerland)
1800-1820: IPLS: A Framework for Decentralized Federated Learning
Christodoulos Pappas (U. Thessaly, Greece), Dimitris Chatzopoulos (HKUST, Hong Kong), Spyros Lalis (U. Thessaly, Greece), Manolis Vavalis (U. Thessaly, Greece)
1820-1830: Hackathon Kickoff
Details: TBA
1830: Closing Remarks
11:00-11:10 Welcome
Kostas Katsalis, DoCoMo
Panagiotis Papadimitriou, University of Macedonia
11:10-12:00 Invited Talk 1 (Chair: Panagiotis Papadimitriou, University of Macedonia)
Paul PoP, Technical University of Denmark
Title: Self-Configuring and Self-Healing Time-Sensitive Networking
Short bio: Prof. Paul Pop is a Professor of Cyber-Physical Systems at DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He has received his Ph.D. degree in computer systems from Linkoping University in 2003. His research is focused on developing methods and tools for the analysis and optimization of networked dependable cyber-physical systems. In this area, he has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers (and received 6 Best Paper Awards), three books, and seven book chapters. He has served as a technical program committee member on several conferences, such as DATE and ESWEEK. He is the Coordinator of the Nordic University Hub on Industrial IoT and the FORA European Training Network on Fog Computing for Robotics and Industrial Automation.
12:00-13:00 Technical Session 1: Deterministic Networking 1 (Chair: Kostas Katsalis, DoCoMo)
Christoph Gärtner; Amr Rizk; Boris Koldehofe; Rhaban Hark; Rene Guillaume; Ralf Steinmetz, Leveraging Flexibility of Time-Sensitive Networks for Dynamic Reconfigurability
Alexej Grigorjew; Nicholas Gray; Tobias Hossfeld, Dynamic Real-Time Stream Reservation with TAS and Shared Time Windows
Metin Yeniaydn; Omer Faruk Gemici; M. Selim Demir; Ibrahim Hokelek; Sinem Coleri; Ufuk Tureli, Priority Re-Assignment for Improving Schedulability and Mixed-Criticality of ARINC 664
13:00-13:20 Coffee Break
13:20-14:20 Technical Session 2: P4 and Network Monitoring (Chair: Amr Rizk, Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Hasanin Harkous; Mu He; Michael Jarschel; Rastin Pries; Ehab Mansour; Wolfgang Kellerer, Performance Study of P4 Programmable Devices: Flow Scalability and Rule Update Responsiveness
GuanJie Qiao; Lv GaoFeng; Jing Tan; Lusha Mo, Hotcount: A High-Precision Traffic Statistics for Multi-Tenants
Wen-Hong Lin; Wai-Xi Liu; Gui-Feng Chen; Song Wu; Jin-Jiang Fu; Xing Liang; Sen Ling; Zhi-Tao Chen, Network Telemetry by Observing and Recording on Programmable Data Plane
14:20-15:10 Invited Talk 2 (Chair: Kostas Katsalis, DoCoMo)
Alexander Willner, Fraunhofer FOCUS
Title: Towards Data Aware High Precision Networks
Short bio: Dr. Alexander Willner works within the business unit Software-based Networks (NGNI) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) and within the chair of Next Generation Networks (AV) at the Technical University of Berlin (TUB). He is working with his groups in applying standard-based Internet of Things technologies to industrial domains. With a focus on moving toward the realization of interoperable communication within Industry 4.0, the most important research areas include industrial real-time networks (e.g., 5G/6G/TSN), middleware systems (e.g., OPC UA), distributed AI (e.g., using digital twins), and distributed cloud computing (e.g., edge computing). He holds an M.Sc. from the University Göttingen and a Dr.-Ing. degree in computer science from TUB.
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 Technical Session 3: Deterministic Networking 2 (Chair: Panagiotis Papadimitriou, University of Macedonia)
Randeep Bhatia; T. V Lakshman; Mustafa F. Ozkoc; Shivendra Panwar, FlowToss: Fast Wait-Free Scheduling of Deterministic Flows in Time Synchronized Networks
Balakrishna Balakrishna; Boris Meinardus; Leonidas Kontopoulos, Simulation Framework for EtherCAT over TSN
Anna Arestova; Kai-Steffen Hielscher; Reinhard German, Simulative Evaluation of the TSN Mechanisms Time-Aware Shaper and Frame Preemption and Their Suitability for Industrial Use Cases
16:30-16:35 Concluding Remarks
Panagiotis Papadimitriou, University of Macedonia