1115-1245: Hands On Session
Manual for the session
1245-1300: Break
1300-1310: Welcome and Logistics
1310-1400: Keynote
Building CDN-scale Decentralised Technology at Cloudflare, Thibault Meunier, Cloudflare
1400-1520: Session 1: Protocol and Architecture Extensions
Session Chair:
Christian Tschudin (University of Basel, Switzerland)
1400-1420: VPN-Zero: A Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Virtual Private Network
Matteo Varvello (Nokia Bell Labs, USA), Iñigo Querejeta (UC3M, Spain), Antonio Nappa (UC Berkeley, USA & UC3M, Spain), Panagiotis Papadopoulos (Telefonica Research, Spain), Gonçalo Pestana (Brave Software, UK), Benjamin Livshits (Brave Software, UK)
1420-1440: KadRTT: Routing with Network Proximity and Uniform ID Arrangement in Kademlia
Hidehiro Kanemitsu (University of Tokyo, Japan), Hidenori Nakazato (Waseda University, Japan)
1440-1500: Pulsarcast: Scalable, Reliable Pub-Sub over P2P Nets
João Antunes (U. Lisboa, Portugal), David Dias (Protocol Labs), Luís Veiga (U. Lisboa, Portugal)
1500-1520: IPFS-FAN: A Function-Addressable Computation Network
Alfonso de la Rocha (Protocol Labs), Yiannis Psaras (Protocol Labs), David Dias (Protocol Labs)
1520-1530: Break
1530-1615: Session 2: Demos and Abstracts
Session Chair:
Martin Florian (Humbolt University, Germany)
1530-1545: (Abstract) Fully Decentralized Trading Games with Evolvable Characters Using NFTs and IPFS
Christos Karapapas (AUEB, Greece), Iakovos Pittaras (AUEB, Greece), George C. Polyzos (AUEB, Greece)
1545-1600: (Abstract) The Case for AI Based Web3 Reputation Systems
Navin V Keizer (UCL, UK), Fan Yang (UCL, UK), Yiannis Psaras (Protocol Labs), George Pavlou (UCL, UK)
1600-1615: (Demo) Introducing Peer Copy - A Fully Decentralized Peer-To-Peer File Transfer Tool
Dennis Trautwein (U. Wuppertal, Germany), Moritz Schubotz (FIZ- Karlsruhe, Germany), Bela Gipp (U. Wuppertal, Germany)
1615-1630: Break
1630-1700: Invited Talk, Introducing the Filecoin Storage Economy, Zixuan Zhang (Protocol Labs)
1700-1820: Session 3: Decentralised Identity and Web3.0 Services
Session Chair:
Joao Leitao (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
1700-1720: Enabling Self-Verifiable Mutable Content Items in IPFS Using Decentralized Identifiers
Nikos Fotiou (AUEB, Greece), Vasilios A. Siris (AUEB, Greece), George C. Polyzos (AUEB, Greece)
1720-1740: Decentralized Identifiers for Peer-To-Peer Service Discovery
Carson Farmer (Textile, US), Sander Pick (Textile, US), Andrew Hill (Textile, US)
1740-1800: Solid over the Interplanetary File System
Fabrizio Parrillo (U. Basel, Switzerland), Christian F Tschudin (U. Basel, Switzerland)
1800-1820: IPLS: A Framework for Decentralized Federated Learning
Christodoulos Pappas (U. Thessaly, Greece), Dimitris Chatzopoulos (HKUST, Hong Kong), Spyros Lalis (U. Thessaly, Greece), Manolis Vavalis (U. Thessaly, Greece)
1820-1830: Hackathon Kickoff
Details: TBA
1830: Closing Remarks
The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer, content-addressable, distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files. It is an open-source community-driven project, with reference implementations in Go and Javascript and a global community of millions of users.
IPFS resembles past and present efforts to build and deploy P2P and content-centric approaches to content storage, resolution, distribution and delivery. IPFS and libp2p — the modular network stack of IPFS — rely on name-resolution based routing. The content resolution system is based on the Kademlia DHT and content is addressed by flat hash-based names. IPFS sees significant real-world usage, with tens of companies building on top of its set of protocols, over 250,000 monthly active network nodes, millions of end-users, and wide adoption by several other projects in the Decentralised Web and beyond.
An adjacent project to IPFS is Filecoin. Filecoin is a token-based protocol that supports a decentralised storage and delivery network. Storage and retrieval miners are rewarded according to their contribution to the network and the mechanics of Filecoin secure the network against malicious activity.
The workshop will consist of a number of different sessions and session styles that go beyond a traditional presentations-only workshop and seek to foster interaction between participants. Hands-on sessions will give participants first-hand knowledge of how to use IPFS, while a capstone competition will give attendees the chance to develop open-source applications on top of IPFS and win prizes.
The workshop welcomes contributions in the following forms:
Wednesday 31st March 2021
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Papers should not exceed the page limit in IEEE format (double-column, 10pt font), including figures and references and should be submitted through EDAS in PDF format. More information will follow.
Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for review elsewhere will be considered for publication in the proceedings. The review process is single-blind - authors should present their names and affiliations in the submitted manuscript.
Papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present the work in the workshop.